Ant Teknik’s reputation is one of its most valuable assets. Our stakeholders expect us to act with compliance to the local and international laws. We make every effort to build a culture of mutual trust that encourages the ethical behaviour in business that is in line with Ant Teknik code of conduct.
Ant Teknik has established a compliance policy stating that all employees and business partners will comply with anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws. Ant Teknik shares its policies with employees and business partners using internet and e-learning platforms.
Ant Teknik continuously gave trainings to its employees and business partners on this policy and confirmed that they understood the expectations. Ant Teknik evaluates the code of conduct and anti-bribery awareness of the trainees and keeps records to show that the employee has read and understood the policy and general principles.
Ant Teknik informs its sub-dealers about anti-bribery and anti-corruption. Ant Teknik systematically supports business partners and sub-dealers in accordance with the requirements of the contracts, so that sub-dealers and business partners can demonstrate their ability to comply with the legislation and contractual obligations.
Ant Teknik and its vendors expressly agree not to sell or otherwise transfer products and technology to companies or individuals on the Rejected List and Specially Designated Citizens and Blocked Persons, if the products originate in the United States or have a contractual agreement. Ant Teknik does not sell to countries embargoed by the US government for products within the scope specified above.
Ant Teknik accounting records provide a clear record of expenses related to the sale of products. All expenses including but not limited to customer gifts, customer meals and accommodation have receipts and can be differentiated in accounting systems to show the expense purpose.
These tools are a consolidation of multiple export screening lists of the Departments of Commerce, State, and the Treasury and may be used as an aid to industry in conducting electronic screens of potential parties to regulated transactions.
Ant Teknik top management ensure the organisation conducts business without bribery and is active in making sure that all staff and the key people who do business with Ant Teknik and for Ant teknik understand that Ant Teknik does not tolerate bribery.
Ant Teknik Code of Conduct policies and procedures are in compliance with the Turkish Criminal Code No. 5237, Turkish Commercial Code, OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions, The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and the UK Bribery Act.
Ant Teknik communicates its policies and procedures to staff and to others who will perform services for Ant Teknik.
Ant Teknik encourages a culture of doing the right thing with the ultimate goal of protecting the reputation and strengthening sustainability and competitiveness of business.
Ant Teknik code of conduct training, is an essential step in communicating core values, contractual and regulatory requirements and principles and ensuring employees, sub-dealers and business partners understand their responsibility to act with honesty and integrity — inside and outside the workplace.
Ant Teknik employee, business partner or/and anybody who becomes aware of a potential violation of the Ant Teknik Code of Conduct can and should bring it to the attention of the ethic commitee or compliance manager using following Ant Teknik compliance e-mail or telephones.
Ant Teknik monitors compliance risks and assess code of conducts and its related programs for effectiveness and improvement opportunities. Just as business continues to change, a code program is updated to respond to these changes to ensure it remains viable in a changing business environment and shareholders expectations.